So...where to start?!

Grady had his 3rd and final hypospadia surgery back in March. It was much more difficult this time around 1.) he's more mobile 2.) he knows how to pull out this cathedar. The only issue we had was his dressing fell off the day after surgery. His wound just keep bleeding, so we had to go back up to the hospital, had hold him down so the nurses could tape him back up. IT WAS NOT A PRETTY SIGHT! His 6 week check went very well and Dr. Snodgrass said that he should heal up just fine. It's not 100% cosmetically but at least its functioning properly! Up until the last few weeks he's been a bear to change...I think he was a little traumatized and didn't want anyone changing his diaper. But thankfully that is starting to fade. Here's a pic from his hospital stay.

While I was off on maternity leave I took Lily to my mom's and Grady and I spent several days together just the two of us. I really wanted to spend quality time with him so he didn't start feeling neglected.
Pic from Build-A-Bear

He's been so great with Lily. He'll go up and pat her on the head when she cries, he loves giving her kisses too! I'm so proud of him! Lily update I couldn't ask for a better baby. She's just amazing!! She eats and sleeps great...minus the acid reflux. We put her on Enfamil AR formula but that only does so much.
Jason's ready to have this baby! HAHA
My angel ~ March 8th, 2010 7:57am 7.14 pounds 19 inches
"Hi everyone!"
Here's a pic from her 1st dr appointment.

My big girl is sleeping in her crib and usually only wakes up once during the night! What a big change from Gradybug! Poor lil' guy didn't sleep much the first couple months. She's such a happy baby...she's smiling and cooing all the time. Jason and I are doing great...just trying to stay afloat!!