I made baseball cupcakes, hey I never said I was crafty people. My sister would've done a lot better job. The good news is that he didn't decide to chunk one at my head!! Though that would've made for a great picture.

He actually loved it!! The cupcake was devoured in 5 minutes :)

He got a ton of stuff for his birthday...which I told my parents and sister not to do! He played on his new slide the whole day. He was pooped come 8pm, so was mommy, which is why we decided not to have a big party this year!

I watched the video from his first birthday, man I can't believe how much he's changed in just one year. He was just walking but hadn't said but 1 or 2 words...now his talking up a storm, climbing on our furniture and stairs and hitting/kicking balls.
It kinda made me sad to think this is his last birthday by himself. Don't know why...maybe just hormones. Next year we'll have to do something big for his 3rd! Maybe a bounce house or a petting zoo. :)
Aww, the cupcakes look good!
Yes, and maybe, I dunno, invite his friends!!! haha...Glad y'all had a good time!!
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