Ross and Grady are ready to Trick-or-Treat!!

Grady's first trip to Comanche to see Nana and Pops. (Jason's parents)

Grady did exceptionally well on the way there. Snoozed part of the time, played with mommy, stopped off at a gas station to change Grady's diaper. It wasn't 2 mintues back on the highway that he decided he wasn't done...stop off #2 literally!

8pm...wouldn't fall asleep. Cried endlessly...not even the Great Mickey Mouse could save us. So we decided to pack it all up and head back home.
Got stopped by a State Trooper...thankfully only gave us a warning. Listened to Grady cry most of the way. Finally passed out 2 hours into the trip.
Arrived home at 12:30am with the time change!! Thank god for day-light savings!!
Aww, sorry it didnt go too well...but he looked so cute!!
Oh Man!! What a crazy day you had. He did look super cute in his costume!!
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